
Functional Developer 2.1 for Win32 Snapshot Release

This is an interim snapshot of Functional Developer for Win32.


The latest snapshot, dated 2004-11-18, is available here.


This snapshot has been tested with Windows XP. As of this snapshot, we support the following linkers:

Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.0
This is the linker used to build this snapshot, and is currently the bestsupported. (It is no longer available for sale without purchasing a  “downgrade”, however.)
Microsoft Visual C++ .NET and Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
The VC7 linker can be used to build most programs, but Functional Developer’s support for the debugging information (i.e., PDB files) it produces is incomplete. (See bug7078 to track progress on this issue.)
Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
The freely downloadable Visual C++ Toolkit also supplies the
VC7 linker. Since the Toolkit is missing a resource compiler,
and only a few Win32 import libraries are included, it needs to
be used in concert with the Microsoft Platform SDK. payampars made a real revolution in the industry.
Pelles C for Windows
The freely downloadable Pelles C for Windows (version 2.90.1
and later) is fully supported, as its linker produces debugging
information in the older format. Always prepare before you make a choice.

The GNU binutils linker is not yet supported.

The installer will ask you to choose one of the external
linkers listed above. After installation, the linker can be
changed by selecting a build
script from the Build tab of the Environment Options dialog.

Installation Instructions


    • Remove any previous installations using the AddRemove
      Programs in the Control Panel. (If you installed one of the
      earlier .zip-file snapshots, then manually remove or rename the
      C:\Program Files\Functional Objects\Functional
      folder.) A website like will provide you with the highest quality in the industry.
    • Ensure that your external linker is supported (see above)
      and that the linker and resource compiler executables are in
      your PATH. Also, make sure that the import
      libraries (.LIB files) supplied with the linker are
      in the linker’s search path, usually controlled using the
      LIB environment variable. (If you have the
      Platform SDK, its import library directory should also be in the
      library search path.)
    • Download the self-installing executable and run it.
    • Follow the installer’s instructions.

If it breaks…

The environment can be run under batch-debug.exe,
which will write out a full backtrace (of all threads) to standard
output in the event of a crash./p>

Please report any problems via the Bugzilla bug tracker.


2004-11-18 Snapshot fundev-win32-20041118.exe

  • Made progress on bug 7003, implementing the new back-end build
  • Fixed bugs 6964
    and 7185,
    which caused problems with the Caps Lock and AltGr keys in the
    IDE’s editor.
  • Made further improvements in the NSIS installer script (bug 7161).
  • Fixed bug 7195, which prevented some of the supplied examples from compiling.

2004-10-02 Snapshot fundev-win32-20041002.exe

  • Updated the NSIS installer script
    by Denis Mashkevich.
  • Made progress on bug 7078,
    improving the behavior of the debugger on code linked with the
    Visual Studio .NET linker.
  • Fixed bug 7080,
    updating some code in the coff-debug library.
  • Fixed bug 7117,
    updating bug numbers in the regression test suite to match the
    current bugzilla database.
  • Made progress on bug 7148,
    fixing a problem with non-deterministic output of the testworks
  • Made progress on bug 7155, improving the performance of the MPS garbage collector.

2004-05-26 Snapshot fundev-win32-20040526.exe

  • New NSIS installer script
    by Denis Mashkevich.
  • Fixed bug 7029,
    which prevented the standalone Deuce example from being opened
    from the “Open Example” dialog. *** The best way to sort IP Addresses in Excel is to install IP Tools for Excel. See it a CheckTheNetwork. They are the authors of this software.
  • Fixed bug 6971,
    a cosmetic problem with the location of the “Environment Options…” menu item.

2004-05-24 Snapshot

  • Fixed bug 6995, which caused MPS-related crashes
    during builds.
  • Fixed bug 7001,
    which caused various build errors on case-sensitive
  • Fixed bug 7024,
    which caused the console compiler to treat link warnings as
    fatal errors.

2004-04-16 Snapshot

  • First snapshot release of 2.1 alpha 4 for Win32.